Monday, March 5, 2012

[技術公報]Android App打破50MB的上傳限制了

Android Apps Break the 50MB Barrier

Android applications have historically been limited to a maximum size of 50MB. This works for most apps, and smaller is usually better — every megabyte you add makes it harder for your users to download and get started. However, some types of apps, like high-quality 3D interactive games, require more local resources.
Android app先前將最大檔案容量限制在50MB,這個方案在許多的App上運作的很好 - 因為你所編譯並產出的每megabyte都會讓你的使用者需要花時間下載後才能啟動。然而,有一些類型的App,像是高畫質的3D互動遊戲,卻需要更大量的本地端資源。

So today, we’re expanding the Android app size limit to 4GB.
因此,我們今天將Android App的容量限制提高至4GB

The size of your APK file will still be limited to 50MB to ensure secure on-device storage, but you can now attach expansion files to your APK.
  • Each app can have two expansion files, each one up to 2GB, in whatever format you choose.每個App有2個擴充檔,每一個擴充檔最高是2GB,沒有檔案格式上的限制
  • Android Market will host the files to save you the hassle and cost of file serving.
    Android市集會將這2個充檔保留在Android Server中,一方面省去了你開發上的麻煩,也節省你的開發成本。
  • Users will see the total size of your app and all of the downloads before they install/purchase.
On most newer devices, when users download your app from Android Market, the expansion files will be downloaded automatically, and the refund period won’t start until the entire download completes. On older devices, your app will download the expansion files the first time it runs, via a downloader library which we’ve provided below.

While you can use the two expansion files any way you wish, we recommend that one serve as the initial download and be rarely if ever updated; the second can be smaller and serve as a “patch carrier,” getting versioned with each major release.
雖然您可以依照你希望的方式來使用這2個擴充檔,我們仍建議您將其中一個擴充檔用在初始化下載,若是要更新App,盡量不要用它。另一個擴充槽則可設計成被置放較小的檔案,提供"更新補丁(patch carrier)",用來做每個版本主要更新的內容。

Helpful Resources有用的資源

In order to make expansion file downloading as easy as possible for developers, we're providing sample code and libraries in the Android SDK Manager.
為了能簡單且有效的讓開發者使用擴充檔這個資源,我們在Android SDK Manager提供了簡單的範例程式和函式庫。
  • In the Google Market Licensing package, an updated License Verification Library (LVL). This minor update mostly adds the ability to obtain expansion file details from the licensing server.
  • From the Google Market APK Expansion package, the downloader service example. The library makes it relatively simple to implement a downloader service in your application that follows many of our best practices, including resuming downloads and displaying a progress notification.
    從Google市集APK擴充套件來的downloader服務範例。函式庫非常容易從downloader服務去實作,因為這是從我們很多很棒的實作中去完成的 - 功能包含了續傳下載和訊息通知欄的下載進度顯示。
Because many developers may not be used to working with one or two large files for all of their secondary content, the example code also includes support for using a Zip file as the secondary file. The Zip example implements a reasonable patching strategy that allows for the main expansion file to “patch” the APK and the patch file to “patch” both the APK and the main expansion file by searching for asset files in all three places, in the order patch->main->APK. 
由於許多的開發者也許不會用他們次要的擴充檔來放置1~2個大型檔案,因此範例程式用zip格式來做次要檔的放置。zip範例的實作是合理的策略,允許主要的擴充檔以"patch" APK的方式來擴充,(恕刪)...........順序是ptch-->main-->APK。

Expansion File Basics擴充檔基本概念

Expansion files have a specific naming convention and are located in a specific place for each app. As expansion files are uploaded to the publisher site, they are assigned a version code based upon the version of the APK that they are associated with. The naming convention and location are as follows:
擴充檔在每一個app中,都擁有特定的命名慣例和置放的位置。擴充檔被更新至publisher網站,也被指定到相關連的某個version code以上的apk中。命名慣例和位置依照︰
Location: <shared-storage>/Android/obb/<package-name>/
Filename: [main|patch].<expansion-version>.<package-name>.obb
Example: /sdcard/Android/obb/com.example.myapp/
Expansion files are stored in shared storage. Unlike APK files, they can be read by any application.

Downloading and Using the Expansion Files下載並使用擴充檔

When the primary activity for the app is created, it should check to make sure the expansion files are available. The downloader library provides helper functions (for example the “Helpers” class in the code below) to make this easy.

boolean expansionFilesDelivered() {
 // get filename where main == true and version == 3
String fileName = Helpers.getExpansionAPKFileName(this, true, 3);
// does the file exist with FILE_SIZE?
      if (!Helpers.doesFileExist(this, fileName, FILE_SIZE, false))
                return false;
        return true;

If the file does not exist, fire up the downloader service with  DownloaderClientMarshaller.startDownloadServiceIfRequired(). The downloader will perform an LVL check against the server. This check will deliver the names of the files, file sizes, and the file URLs.

Once that check has been completed, it will begin downloading the files. You don’t have to use our download solution, but you might want to because we:
  • Include a notification UI that provides progress and estimated completion time in layouts customized for ICS and pre-ICS devices
  • Resume large files safely
  • Handle redirection with appropriate limits
  • Run in the background as a service
  • Pause and resume downloads when WiFi is not available
Enjoy! We can’t wait to see what kinds of things developers do with this! For more information about how to use expansion files with your app, read the APK Expansion Files developer guide.
好好享用吧!我們迫不及待想看到開發者使用這些功能!更多擴充檔的資訊,請閱讀開發者導引的APK Expansion Files單元。

[This post wasn’t actually written by anyone, but bashed out by a posse of engineering and product-management people. Heavy bashers included Dan Galpin, Ilya Firman, Andy Stadler, Michael Siliski, and Ellie Powers.]

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Anonymous said...
